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The Good Shepherds Swedish School

Subjects taught

Religion( Christian and Moslem)
Arts and Crafts

From Kindergarten....

.... to Tawjihi

Visit to Mar Saba's Convent

Repairs & Improvements:

A) With the assistance of SIDA

  • The Central Heating System was installed in all the rooms of the school

  • The drinking water in the covered playground in the basement.

  • Repairs to the playground.

B) The Computer Lab. With the assistance of the World Vision - Jerusalem a whole renovation to a new room for the computer lab. Provision of a new computer and furniture to replace the old and the depleted.

c)Musical instruments With, the help of the World Vision, a whole set of musical instruments were bought, and a sound system was installed. Our musical band will participate in the Betblehem 2000 Festivals, and hopefully in, the 100 year jubilee Festivals of the SJS in Sweden.

D)A number of models e.g models of the brain, the bone skeleton, the pulnionary system, the gastro-intestinal system, models that illustrate what the student study in theory which promote their intellectual understanding of general health of the body were bought with the assist ance of funds given by the World Vision- Jerusalem.

E) Extra curricular activities are stressed upon and encouraged in every field such as visits to religious, historical, and archeological sites, also to elderly communities and.creches is always encouraged.

Participation of our students I in many of the cultural and sport activities of the different school in the Bethlehem district.

Webmaster: Stig Norin, Sweden, Latest uppdates 09-11-09 Mail to the School